Garden Decor

How To Grow And Propagate Pothos Plants

“ Plants Addicts, Unite!!”

Plants are, without hesitation, the best natural present you can receive. Having your garden full of lovely plants is indeed a wonderful feeling. Don’t you think so?

Epipremnum aureum is the scientific name for the pothos plant, which belongs to the Araceae family. These plants are commonly called “devil’s ivy” because they remain green even when kept in the dark.

You can’t kill them because they keep expanding. Pothos are also known for their ability to purify the air. It is thought to be one of the plants that can assist in purifying the air by eliminating pollutants.

You should consider growing beautiful heart-shaped leaves with yellow splashes in your garden or your apartment. If you’re concerned about how to cultivate and propagate these pothos plants, we’ve gathered some information to assist you in enjoying the relaxing impact of these pothos plants in your environment. Scroll down and take a look at what we have collected for you.

How to prune Pothos

Pothos grow quickly, so it’s critical to keep them at a manageable size. If that’s the case, pruning is your best bet. Pothos are usually cut back to around 2 inches, but you can pick it yourself. Just above the soil and below a root node, cut your Pothos. it will look nice and appealing in this manner.

When To Prune Pothos

After you’ve developed your pothos, the next thing you’ll notice is that your plant’s leaves will attach to its vine and after pruning begins developing new ones; this is when you should begin pruning your pothos plant. Pothos grow quickly, so you’ll need to trim them once a year to keep them in the shape and size you want.

You can decorate your home with these plants very well. Here’s a guide to help you out. How I like to decorate my home with Pothos AKA Devil’s Ivy.

Coming back to the point, If you’re wondering when is the best time to trim your photos, we’ve compiled a list of resources to assist you. You can prune your pothos carefully with hands this classic hand pruner.

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Spring into early fall

The best time to prune your pothos is during the growing season, usually from spring to early fall. It will speed up the growth of your plant. To give your pothos plant a longer life, take care not to leave any leafless vines on it.

Once you’ve finished pruning the nodes of your pothos plant, they will send out new vines to that place.

You can read this guide to get a better idea for decorating your home in spring, Wonder how you can enjoy spring plants throughout the year. These Faux plants are the best option.

Reasons for propagating pothos

There are many valid reasons due to what you need to propagate your pothos once or twice a year. You can get started on gardening with this handy kit.

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Also, here is the summary of these reasons that a newbie must know:

It extends the life of your plant ( and save your money)

Is there any benefit to the pothos plants or us by propagating them? It certainly does. Propagating your pothos plant not only has a beneficial effect on the life of your plant but also helps you save money.

After propagation, simply place the cuttings in the pot and supply the necessary growing conditions. A fresh plant will be available for you in two or three months. So, you won’t even need to buy a new plant; simply taking care of the existing ones would suffice.

It is true that following propagation, the plant sprouts a new vine and much more on that location. Isn’t it incredible?

It will help revive a sad living plant

pothos plants, like your wardrobe, need to be changed out every year or month so that new vines may grow effortlessly. Your pothos plant will not thrive and may even appear lifeless if you do not propagate it. So, the best approach to keep your pothos plant looking vibrant and fresh is to propagate it.

It puts plant trimmings to good use.

Do you believe that the plant trimmings are ineffective? Plant trimming is not a waste of time; it’s the key to cultivating a new plant rather than buying one. It’s like killing two birds with one stone, but it’s growing two new plants from one plant cutting instead of killing. By simply placing the cuttings in a container and supplying them with the necessary conditions, you may easily establish a new plant in one or two months.

It makes for a great gift.

It takes a long time to find a gift for someone that is both beautiful and practical. We also suggest that. Giving a pothos plant or just the trimmings can be a fantastic present. If you’ve ever noticed that the pothos plant, like any other plant, only flourishes when it’s properly cared for, you’re not alone.

It’s an excellent lesson for both you and the person to whom you’re giving the plant. It might be a good idea to consider it a terrific gift. Make sure to gift it with a beautiful pot/planter.  Here’s a guide to lay your hands on the perfect pot /planter, How to Pick a Planter for Your Plant.

Tools needed for propagating

A healthy pothos plant

A healthy pothos plant is, without a doubt, the most crucial tool for propagation. The cuttings of a pothos plant, not the pot, are what you need. The leaves of a good pothos plant should be green, lively, and glossy. If not, it means that it is not healthy and you need to take better care of it.

A pair of sterile scissors or gardening shears

You’re not thinking of trimming your plant with your hand, right? While trimming your plant, you should use sterile scissors, or you may break the node of the vine mistakenly. For more professional cutting, you can also choose to go with gardening scissors or shears designed for trimming plants and trees.

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Tap water

Water is the most basic need of a plant to grow. After cutting vines, put them into a jar containing tap water. You don’t need to be specific when choosing water; just providing them with tap water will do.

A small clear container (Mason jars and glass vials work well here)

As the vines of pothos plants are very important, you can’t just put them anywhere. You should put them into clear containers with water and sand. You can also use mason jars or glass visuals to place the cuttings, and once they have rooted, you can put them into a bigger container.

Potting mix

pothos plants grow easily in well-draining soil that can keep the water balanced and has a good capacity for absorbing water. A good soil mixture is considered a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and pine bark fines in a specific quantity.

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A pot that has a drainage hole

A pot should have a water-absorbing capacity and a way for drainage. To prevent the over-absorbance of water, a pot with a drainage wall can be the best idea. It will remove all the excess water and keep the water level balanced. You may also like to read this guide, Planters/Stands, shortlisted for you by our experts.

Procedure to propagate pothos

Here are the suggestions for you to follow step by step to propagate your pothos plant carefully. Take a look at these suggestions that we have compiled for you:

Where To Cut Pothos

Where should you make your cuts? The first question that pops up in your mind. Right?  You might consider pruning the stem of your pothos plant below the node. When you cut it, you’ll find that the plant responds by developing new roots in the cut area. It’s all for naught if you don’t include the node when trimming your pothos plant because it is the ideal location for developing new roots and vines.

What Size Cuttings Should I Take

The size of the cuts is the most important factor. It is suggested to cut the stem with 2-3 blank nodes and 4-5 leaves. Blank nodes should go under the soil and it is the part where the root grows. If your cuttings are longer than 3 inches, it will be difficult for the new plant to grow. You should consider generating a large number of small cuttings, each with a single node. A new vine is for a new plant.

Where To Put Pothos Cuttings

It’s not a good idea to throw away the pothos cuttings. These cuttings are thought to be the key to developing a new plant. A single vine has the potential to produce a new plant. Instead of discarding the cuttings, place them in a fresh flower container and thoroughly water them. To allow them to grow quickly, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight.

How To Maintain Pothos Cuttings

 Not only is it necessary to plant the pothos cuttings, but it is also necessary to maintain them. Consider using a blend of peat moss and soil for this purpose. Fill the pot halfway with peat moss and the rest with sand. Keep the soil wet and out of direct sunshine if you don’t want them to burn. A fresh plant will be waiting for you in one or two months.

When Will The Roots Start To Emerge

It’s a good idea to place the plant in a plastic bag before putting it in the container. It will keep it cool and damp by keeping it out of direct sunshine. New roots will begin to grow after 4 to 6 weeks. Once the roots have begun to grow, you can move the plant to a larger pot to give it more room to thrive.

When Are The Cuttings Ready To Plant?

It’s time to plant the cuttings once they’ve started to root. It takes 2 to 3 weeks for new roots to sprout. Once the roots have grown longer than the cutting, you can plant them in a container or in your garden.

Common Problems With Pothos Plants and Its Solutions

You should be aware of the issues that a pothos plant experiences after learning about its growth and propagation so that you can quickly come up with a solution.

You can also think about getting faux plants. We all love pothos plants; Faux/artificial pothos plants are the best options for home decor that will look exactly like the real ones.

The following is a list of common pothos plant issues and their remedies

Leaves Turning Yellow

The major cause of yellowing leaves on your pothos plant is an unacceptable water level. Excess water might cause the leaves to become yellow. To avoid this situation, you must devise a method for properly draining surplus water. When the top 25 percent of the soil is dry, water your pothos plants and use a pot with a drainage hole.

Leaves Turning Brown

The pothos leaves turn brown due to several reasons: unbalanced water level, direct exposure to light, and too much fertilizer. To prevent this, water the plants when necessary and provide indirect light.

Leaves Drooping

Pothos plants usually need consistently moist soil. If the soil is dry, it causes the leaves to drop or turn brown. In this condition, soaking the dry soil is the best idea.

Leaves drying from top

 Low humidity and water problems are the main causes for the leaves being yellow and brown, and when they worsen, the leaves start dying from the top. Maintaining the right environment for the pothos is the best way to prevent this.


Do you want your pothos to have a fresh, green appearance? The major causes of yellowing Pothos plant leaves are a lack of water or overwatering. Only water your pothos when the top 20 to 25% of the soil is completely dry or it will not be able to grow quickly if the soil is too wet. On the other side, too many lights or water issues could be the cause of your pothos becoming brown. As a result, place your pothos where they will receive indirect light.

Pothos plant care tips

Just like other plants, pothos plants also need a good environment with indirect light, water balance, and moist soil to grow. Following are the care tips for your pothos plant to keep it healthy and fresh.

Avoid direct sunlight

Pothos plants require a reasonable amount of indoor light; too much light will turn their leaves yellow, and too little light will turn them pale. Put your plant in medium light to avoid both of these problems. Pothos plants can survive in low light, although they will grow slower if kept in the dark.

Pothos plants prefer temperatures from 60-80℉

Pothos plants can thrive in various environments, but temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for rapid growth.

Don’t overwater them.

Overwatering the pothos plant can result in various issues, including leaves turning yellow or brown, leaves dying from the top, and so on. To avoid these problems, make sure that the water level is kept in check.


Is pothos a poisonous plant?

Yes, but all Pothos plants are not toxic. Golden Pothos contain calcium oxalate them which is why they are dangerous for children and pets. However, Devil’s ivy, Taro Vine, Ivy Vine, Marble Queen are safe.  Not only children and adults but also pets get poisoned by golden pothos plants. It is only mildly hazardous in small doses, but it can cause serious effects. As a result, it should be kept away from children and pets.

Experts Advice

Pothos are a great way to decorate one’s home with minimal effort and get the maximum outcome in terms of beauty and aesthetic and it will be worth the effort in maintaining them. They have many decorative and health benefits that will make you fall in love with them. To increase the beauty and appearance of your home with these awesome plants. Happy Pothos! 

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