Garden Decor

How To Keep Birds Off My Patio Furniture And Making Nests In Unwanted Places

“Human’s enjoy birds swearing at each other thinking it’s a song”

The beauty of birds is unsurpassed. Listening to birds from afar is not a problem, but when they get close, they can be a nuisance. They can destroy your patio’s lovely furniture and continue to make noise, they may disrupt your home’s peaceful setting.

After understanding, what actually are the birds afraid of? you can easily find the best way to deter them and prevent them from making a nest at unexpected places. There are always some that are effective and don’t even cost much.

Have you tried any of these tricks? If not then what are you waiting for? Scroll down and pick up all the info that you think will be best for you.

Remove Bird Attractions From Your Patio

Something birds like must be the major reason for the birds’ attraction to your patio. If you can identify that one thing, you’ll be able to keep these birds away from your house in the long run.

Here are some simple things we believe are the primary reasons they are drawn to your home.

Don’t Leave Food Which Attracts Birds

The fact that birds are building nests all over your house could be due to small pieces of food or seeds. Nuts, sunflower hearts, and mealworms may be included. If you wish to keep birds off your patio, get rid of any of these items from this area.

Even if you wish to feed the birds, you can do it a short distance away from your house to keep these little creatures away. You can also get the furniture which provides less space for birds nests.

You may like to get some ideas for the perfect patio furniture in this article Useful tips to take care of your outdoor furniture.

Remove Or Move Birdfeeder

If you enjoy feeding birds and have placed a bird feeder on your patio or elsewhere, it is the primary reason for them to settle on your patio or wherever you don’t want them to because they are most drawn to food.

The easiest way to prevent it is to remove the birdfeeders, but if you don’t want to do that, you may consider putting them away from your patio so that fewer birds would approach it. Because it attracts not only birds but also many small animals such as rats and squirrels, you should place it at least 50 to 60 feet away from your home.

You can also use specific decorations that not only disperse birds away but also look good on the patio as we’ve collected a list of such items for you in this article Decorate your patio with all these new items. Furniture, Hammock, Figurine, lantern, Statue, Benches and much more.

Remove Birdbath Or Move Distant From Patio

Have you ever observed that in the summer there are more birds than in the winter? It’s because of the water baths you put out for the birds. Even if you place the birdbaths in your patio just for aesthetic reasons, they will still attract birds and they may consider settling there.

It may be preferable to remove it from your patio. You can either move it away from your house or remove it permanently. It is entirely up to you to decide what you want to do. If you don’t want to, we still got you covered. Here are some tips to clean the patio furniture without wasting much time Useful tips to take care of your outdoor furniture.

Prune Nearby Shrubs And Tree

Are there any trees in your neighborhood? One of the reasons birds flock to your property is because of nearby trees. Cutting back the overgrown branches is a fantastic way to start. It will provide them less surface space to perch on, and they will spend less time doing so. If you have fruit-bearing trees, pluck all of the fruits as soon as they ripen to keep birds away.

However, if you’re fond of greenery, you can also put some faux plants on the patio as well. Here’s an article to choose the perfect faux plants for your Patio Faux Croton plants are the best option for home decor as they look as real ones.

Things You Can Use To Deter Birds

Nowadays there are a lot of things that are being used to deter the birds without harming them. Here are some of these things that will help you deter the birds away from your patio and ruin its look. After going through it we’re sure you’ll be able to find the best to deter the birds.

Mirrors For Reflection/ Old Cds

Many birds have been seen to be terrified of their own reflection. They don’t see themselves in their reflection and instead see them as competitors. Mirrors and CDs, which have a reflected quality, are the best deterrents for birds. When they see their reflection, they will finally flee to a safer location.

Here’s a guide Some Mirror’s recommendations for your home decoration. top rated products over the internet to choose the perfect mirror for dual purposes i.e. keeping the birds away as well as for decoration

Use A Statue Of A Predator Like An Owl

Birds are naturally afraid of owls because of their nature. Placing the statue of a predator like an owl can help you keep the birds away from your home. It is also important to place these owls at a good place as the owls don’t like to be seen. They should be placed deep inside the tree or the birds can easily recognize that the plastic owl is not real. So the owl should be placed in a natural setting.

Here’s a guide to get your hands on the best statues for the garden and outdoor space Perfect Guide for Buying Outdoor Garden Statue.

Put Baking Soda Where They Land

When the birds land on your patio try putting some baking soda on the ground. The birds hate the feeling of having baking soda under their toe so they will avoid it at all costs. So using baking can be the easiest way to keep birds away.

But the myths that birds can explode after eating or touching baking soda are all just myths. Baking soda does not explode birds, not even kill them, it just annoys them so that they won’t come near your home. 

Use Citronella For Unpleasant Smell For Birds

Just like humans, birds also don’t like some smells and stay away from them. Using such smells to deter birds can prove to be a good idea. Citronella is proved to be unpleasant for birds but pleasant for humans. So spraying some citronella smell will not affect you in any way but will deter the birds. It also repels insects and is non-toxic.

Use Wind Chime And Speaker

Just like other factors birds are also afraid of some noises such as noises of wild animals and birds like hawks. Placing speakers and playing such sounds can also keep the birds away from the tree. Windchime is also considered to be an effective bird deterrent.

It is available in different sizes. Using a little larger one can produce loud noises and birds usually don’t like loud noises so they will eventually fly away. You can also get help from this article How to Choose the Perfect Wind Chime For Your Space to select the perfect Wind Chime for your outdoor space.

How To Keep Birds Making Nests?

Install A Wire Mesh

Installing a wire mesh at the places where birds are most likely to make their nests. It will prevent the birds and they will migrate to some other place for making nests. Birds can get stuck in the wire mesh so they will try to avoid it.

Install A Bird Repellent

Using bird repellent to keep birds from making nests in your home is a good idea. Bird repellents are reflecting surfaces and once they are placed in your home birds will find it annoying and confusing so they won’t find a place to land.

Get Rid Of Any Materials That Birds Can Use For Building A Nest

If there are any things available around your home that help birds to make their nest then you should get rid of them so they find it difficult making a nest around your home. Things like dead leaves, dry grass, feathers, and so on are mostly used by the birds to make their home. Make sure to get rid of all these things.

Let Your Cat Out

Birds consider the cat to be their worst enemy and are afraid of it. If you have a cat then you need nothing else to deter birds. Just letting your cat out will help you deter birds and it will also make your cat happy.

Use Flags To Create A Sense Of Motion

You must have noticed that birds don’t like to sit on moving objects and they instantly fly away if they feel any kind of movement. Placing flags that move in the air is one of the cheapest ways to keep birds away.


What Is The Best Way To Clean Bird Poop?

Seltzer and club soda can easily clean the bird poop stains. Pour a little bit of seltzer or club soda directly on the bird-turd and allow it to bubble up for 30 seconds and then clean it with a cloth or sponge.

How To Remove Bird Poop From The Wooden Patio?

The bird poop can cause bacterial infections so make sure to wear gloves and goggles before cleaning it away. Spray the wood with pressure and try to wash the stains as much as you can. After spraying apply some bleach and rub it with a cloth and then spray one more time to remove the stain completely.

What Noises Do Pigeons Hate?

Just like humans hate a lot of sounds there are a lot of sounds that birds find annoying. Pigeons are not afraid of loud noises like other birds but they find sound waves of bouncing objects annoying and hate to stay near the sound.

Do Wind Chimes Scare Birds?

Wind chimes produce large noises when they hit each other. Birds usually hate loud noises and they are scared of them. Wind chimes are the best bird deterrent but if the bird gets used to it it will not scare the bird anymore.

Do Wind Catchers Keep Birds Away?

Windcatchers are also known as wind spinners are the best ways to keep birds away. Any movement will make the birds move even faster so placing some wind spinners in your garden can keep the birds away but remember to spin it one or two times so the birds don’t feel like it;’s fake.

Will Petroleum Jelly Deter Birds?

Pigeons don’t like sticky or gluey feelings on their feet or feathers so they avoid such things. Take a thread, attach a metal ring and apply some petroleum jelly on it and the birds will stay away from it. It is one of the free ways to keep birds away. It is non-toxic so it will not harm any of the birds.

Does Peppermint Oil Deter Birds?

Many insects and birds don’t like strong smells, especially peppermint smell because they do not have strong lungs. Using peppermint can deter birds but its acridness will fade away with time so you need to spray it one or two times a day to keep birds away.

Do Fake Owls Keep Pigeons Away?

Actually using a fake owl can work with other birds but pigeons can distinguish between real and owl from far away as there is a lot of difference between them. So using a fake owl may not be useful in the case of pigeons.

Experts’ Advice

Now matter how beneficial and rewarding bird therapy and bird watching is, there are specific places in your home that are specified for specific functions. You Patio js for yourself and your enjoyment with family. There are a lot of ways that you can use to deter birds away and that are not even harmful to them. Because we love birds we don’t want to harm them. Unfortunately, birds have a lot of annoying facts about them. Using non-toxic deterrents for birds is a good way instead of using toxic ones and harming them because they also play an important role in providing a good environment to humans.

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