Home Decor

Perfect place for the Buddha statues in your home to receive his Blessings

Our life is the creation of our minds. ~ Buddha.

Buddha’s real name was Gautama, he was a founder of Religion, Buddhism. He lived around 5 B.C. in the area located between today’s Nepal and India. Although he was an heir to a grand estate, he gave up everything and spent his life in the service and guidance of mankind. Buddha, with his deeds and way of living, spread the teachings of patience, kindness, wisdom, compassion, and many other qualities among his disciples. Buddha statues have a cardinal place in the keeper’s hearts. There are different places for these statues in your home, and are as follows:

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Where to keep the hand gesture Buddha?

The statue of the hand gesture Buddha with one hand up and one resting down is usually placed at the entrance of every home. It symbolizes two things, the first is warding off evil, and the second is to bless the person with the strength to deal with problems of the world. It is perfect for the entrance because this way it will bless anyone leaving and entering the home. It helps the keepers and provides them with the energy to fight evil. It blesses him to succeed in any mission.

Where and How to keep Meditating Buddha in a perfect place?

These are quiet and relaxing Buddha. They are usually kept at the corner of a quiet room. This Buddha looks serene and comfortable and gives a relaxing corner to your place. You can also keep these kinds of Buddha in a meditating room or an established home gym. This Buddha will help you relax in your home and let the negative energy out of the way. With a meditating Buddha in your corner, you can have your meditating partner any time and escape the hectic routine to calm your soul.

Where to put the Praying Buddha?

Praying Buddha has its hands in a praying position. These are to show faith and dedication. You can keep the Buddha in the prayer room or designated place if you have it in your home. They are never placed in a place below eye level because of their religious importance. Believers of the Buddha would understand very well that the place of a statue would be at an optimal and heightened position to give the ultimate respect and honor it deserves.

What is the best spot for Buddha statue in the outdoor space?

An outdoor Buddha is perfect to be placed near a fountain, pool, or other water body. Outdoor Buddha paired with nature and surroundings symbolizes natural balance and peace. It is best to combine with flowers and greenery. This would replenish and rejuvenate your backyard area and bring it to life with the presence of Buddha and his positive energy all around. You can keep wooden lanterns on the side of the statue to make an altar dedicated to the Buddha specifically.

Where to keep a Buddha bust?

A Buddha bust is a sculpture of Buddha’s kind face. Buddha bust represents the awareness of oneself and consciousness of one’s mind. Although it is a contemporary and new trend to keep buddha bust, it still holds great honor and importance. It shouldn’t be placed near washrooms or laundry rooms. It would look good and honored for its worth at the focal point of your living room, dining room. They are also used as decorative items.

Where to locate a Laughing Buddha in your home?

These Buddha are not the same as Gautama. Laughing Buddha is Ho Tai, a Chinese monk. He was a saint and patron of children. He used to bring gifts like the Santa clause. These Buddha are very common and are kept for good luck and charm. It is believed that if you rub the belly of a laughing buddha it will bring you success and prosperity. They are to be kept facing east and it is the optimal direction. For historical values, you can keep the laughing Buddha in your kid’s room. They would surely bring luck and abundance in your children’s lives.

How to and where to keep your Buddha statues based on the functionality of a space?

●     keep a small buddha statue on the shelf in the home office. It will send down his blessings on your business dealings and agreements.

●     Keep the buddha in the living space for creating a peaceful environment. Even if not used for a specific religious attachment, a buddha statue has something about itself. It creates an aura of serenity in any place it is kept. So, you can keep the statue for a quiet and peaceful environment

●     Keep a Buddha statue in your kitchen to bless you with an abundance of resources and health. Keep it at the counter or on the top shelf where it can be seen and admired.

●     Even if you are not a believer, Buddha is a statement of art. A rare and delicate piece can make any place traditional and stand out. You can also keep posters and artwork of buddha in your home.

Some general tips to follow:

●     Always make sure that any area you place your Buddha in, should be clean and dust-free. You need to honor the Buddha statue as it so very deserves.

●     Make sure that the level where Buddha is placed is never below the sitting area. It is a religious figure and has many sentiments and values related to it.

●     Decorate your buddha and make it stand out from the surroundings. The acknowledgment of individuality and the importance of Buddha is what would bring fruits in your life.

●     Buddha statues placed in a room should always face an inside direction to bring all the blessings inside you and your loved ones.

●     Clean the statue and never let any stain or dust settle on the statue. Polish it, make it shine. Make it look new.

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